The Crystal View PAC would like to welcome all new or returning parents to the PAC.
Who we are?
We are a group of dedicated parents who work hard to give our children a great experience in school.
Every parent is a member of the school PAC. You can attend the monthly PAC meetings or just ask to be part of the email list. The meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month in the school library at 6:30 p.m. Find us on Facebook at: Crystal View Elementary’s PAC.
What the PAC does?
The PAC’s job is to raise money so that our kids can experience the most out of our school. Throughout the year we will have several fundraisers that you can choose to support. We provide hot lunch days for students. All money raised from these fundraisers go right back to your children.
The PAC also is the liaison between parents, students, community, and the School and School Board Office to develop, enhance and foster ongoing communication and relationships, so if you have any concerns or questions please attend the meetings and let us know.
Funds Raised
All funds raised through the school go right back to our children. Without fundraising we wouldn’t be able to give the school extra technology, sports equipment, fieldtrips, music equipment, extra special cultural events, and earthquake preparedness. We also supply each teacher with a dollar amount to help with costs in their classroom.
We encourage all parents to get involved in our great school . If you can’t attend meetings please come volunteer for a fundraiser. It is a great way to find out just how excellent Crystal View Elementary is.
Emily Huddlestan
Tanis Clement
Stephanie Barrie | Vice-President |
Tamara Boyd
Treasurer |
Amy Cox
Secretary/Communication Coordinator |
Amanda Worthing
Amanda Snowden
CHOMP/food services |
Brittany Edwards
Amanda Young
Averi Hache
Chellan Savoy
Find us on Facebook at: Crystal View Elementary’s PAC Events, Reminders & Updates.
Support the SPC to meet the objectives as stated in Section 8.2 of the School Act.
Advise and participate in SPEAC and BCCPAC activities in support of their policies and objectives.
Demonstrate leadership and support initiatives that ensure that the:
Highest safety standards are maintained in the school and neighborhood.
School environment is reflective of healthy nutritional values.
Students are provided an enriched and innovative educational experience consistent with the School’s stated Fine Arts programming.
6:30 p.m. in the School Library (baby sitter in attendance). “View the PAC website or School App” for the next PAC Meeting date.